Monday, April 21, 2008

Teasers for the P family

This weekend, I had the pleasure of photographing the ladies of the P family. Originally, we were supposed to meet on Saturday, but as many of you know, the day fast turned into a gloomy, dark, c-o-l-d day at the beach and we weren't able to complete a session. But no worries...we just rescheduled for the next day at Balboa Park. Well...we definitely had some great weather, BUT it turned out that there was a huuuuuge Earth Day festival going on. Still, after 45 minutes I managed to find a parking spot and went in to see if we could still pull this off. With our luck, it just so happened that the festival was starting to close. All the big ugly tents came down and the masses of people began to leave, so we were good to go. When Teresa and Sophia walked up, little Sophia greeted me with her adorable dimples and big toothy smile and I knew we were going to get some great shots. Mommy and baby were so easy to photograph...and really just two sweet, beautiful ladies. I'm happy to share some of the photos from the session with you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Sweetface Photography for capturing such timeless memories of our family! Beautiful work!

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"Capturing life's sweetest moments"


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