Monday, March 9, 2009

Sneak Peek for Marlena and "Saxby"

So it's been a crazy busy weekend and I haven't had much time for sleep (hence the 1:00am posting), let alone finding time to edit and blog. I normally try to have a sneak peek up for my clients on the same day of the shoot, but as you all know, sometimes things just come up. Anyway, let me just get to this beautiful new mama.

First let me just say, this mama-to-be gets cool points for choosing one of the coolest in-utero nicknames I've ever heard. They're calling this little guy Saxby and I love it. ;) I loved this shoot for a couple of reasons. First, Marlena was great to work with; up for just about anything, had a perfectly round, smooth belly, and she's one of the nicest people I've ever met. Second, I had never been to the Cabrillo National Monument and boy am I glad we picked this place - it is absofrickenlutely gorgeous! If you haven't been, I highly suggest you go. You will be awed.

Marlena, it was such a pleasure to meet and photograph both you and Saxby. Can't wait to meet your little guy!

marlena3 by you.

marlena2 by you.

marlena7 bw by you.

marlena1 by you.

marlena8 by you.

marlena5 by you.

marlena9 bw by you.

And finally, what is probably one of my most favorite images ever...
marlena4 by you.

1 comment:

the mangiafico family said...

LOVE these...great job gwen!!! can't wait for my 'belly photo shoot'.... =)

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"Capturing life's sweetest moments"


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