Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Having cake and eating it, too | aliso viejo child photographer

I can barely believe it. In just short of 12 hours, my "baby" will be entering Kindegarten. I am filled with joy, excitement, and a sprinkling of sadness and nervousness. Nervous because her world is opening up to more strangers and we are both going to have to ascertain which will become friends and which should not. Sad at the realization that my baby is no longer a baby. Sometimes, in short, fleeting moments, I wish I could stop time and she could stay my baby. But those moments make me cherish our photos and this job that much more. The photos capture that moment forever. And in that way, I like to think I do get to have my cake and eat it, too.

1 comment:

Joanne said...

Boy, does time fly! I hope school is super fun and fantastic for her! :)

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