Wednesday, January 7, 2009

30 by 31

I was recently perusing the blog of one of my favorite local photographers, Susan. In it, she included a list of things she wanted to do before she reached her next birthday. Reading her list, it inspired me to complete a list of my own. And since I'm turning 30 (whoa!) this coming Sunday, I feel like Susan's post came at the perfect time.

So here it is - my list of 30 things to do before I turn 31...

01. Spend lots of quality time with my husband and daughter
02. Run/walk for a cause (5k maybe)
03. Commit to and complete my 365 project
04. Be more consistent with my blog (hoping that #3 will help this tremendously)
05. Get some of my photos printed on large format
06. Get better at forgiving AND forgetting
07. Get my next tattoo (it’s been almost ten years since the last)
08. Make a new friend
09. Pay off my student loan
10. Finish at least the first Harry Potter book (I got the series as a gift…last year)
11. Attend more girls’ nights
12. Learn to swim
13. Get into a yoga class
14. Start hiking
15. Get my daughter into her own room
16. Paint a picture
17. Clean out and organize our bedroom closet
18. Buy some real knives. I’m talking chef quality.
19. Go to at least two live shows.
20. Start using a cell phone again
21. Consolidate email addresses
22. Get braces
23. Get a professional massage
24. Start working out again
25. Create my own set of holiday card templates
26. Buy a vintage twin lens reflex camera
27. Visit the salton sea
28. Check out three or more museums (preferably ones I haven’t been to yet)
29. Leave on a jet plane…somewhere
30. Random act of kindness for a perfect stranger

So there's my list. I will update this post as I go, crossing things off as they get completed. Hopefully I will be able to get these done. And hey, anyone who wants to help me, let me know. In fact, if you decide to draw up your own list, please share it. I love stuff like this!

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"Capturing life's sweetest moments"


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