Sunday, February 7, 2010

Rain, rain go away| Mission Bay family photographer

I've been watching the weather for the entirety of this last week because the threat of rain was imminent for today's session. In fact, as late (or as early, depending on your POV) as 1:00am this morning, the weather channel was still forecasting morning showers. Melissa, my client, and I decided that we'd wait until an hour prior to the session to call it - if it's raining at that time, we'll postpone; if not, we'll meet up and see what happens. Thankfully, when I peered out of my window this morning, the clouds were bright and the sun was shining! Melissa and Brian are parents to Nathan and Kira. In honor of Kira's arrival and Nathan turning three soon, we made our way out to mission bay to capture some images of this beautiful family!

Raise your hand if you're ready to see sneak peeks! ;)

Ok, so I know I say it time and time again, but I mean seriously, I *am* right. I get to shoot some really beautiful families!

Hot mom alert ;)

And I'll close out with a close up of miss Kira, in an image which is likely to make my favorite 10 of 2010 list at the end of the year.

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"Capturing life's sweetest moments"


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