Saturday, May 29, 2010

Just Shoot Me | san diego urban photographer

Apparently, three photographers climbing shrub boxes, posing in front of buildings and laying down in the street to take photos of each other is quite the sight to see. Last weekend I met up with two of my photographer friends, Sophie and Jen, for a bit of a head shot exchange and a lot of photography fun. In the process, we attracted our fair share of onlookers and even one who decided to jump in the shot. It was so much fun talking shop with some fellow photogs and even being on the other side of the camera.  Here are a couple of shots of my photografriends ;)

Oh...and don't forget. Sweetface Photography is on the list of nominees for the 2010 San Diego's Parents Pick for family photographers. You can vote EVERY DAY for 19 more days. Click on the image below or click here to vote!

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"Capturing life's sweetest moments"


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