Sunday, June 27, 2010

Ali in an alley | san diego family photographer

There's no better compliment than a lovely family coming back and trusting you to capture some memories for them.  Today I got to photograph Roxanne, Craig and Ali for the second time and they were such great sports, trapsing up and down the streets and yes, even alleys of downtown san diego.  Here are just a few from today's session...

Let's start with our blog title - Ali in an alley ;)  Isn't she adorable!?

I love this one...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Shameless plea for votes | san diego family photographer

Hi friends and readers.  Today is the last day of a contest I entered my daughter into about a week go.  It's a contest to win a session from one of my favorite local photographers, Melissa Koehler.  My sweetface is trailing in the votes so I figured I'd try one last avenue to garner a few votes for her.  In order to vote you have to have a Facebook account.  I don't expect anyone to go out and create one just to vote, so no worries if you don't have one.  But if you are already a Facebooking extraordinaire, please read on.

In order to vote you have to first go to Melissa's fan page:
Once you're there, click the "Like" button at the top of her page.
From there, go into her photo albums and find the "Cutest Kid Contest" album.
My daughter, Angelina (3 yrs), is the very first photo in the bunch.  Click on her picture and then "like" her photo.
Your "like" is your vote.
That's all you have to do and it only takes about two seconds.

Voting ends at 11:59 pacific time tonight.

Thank you!


Saturday, June 19, 2010

Trisha |bonita maternity photographer

Sometimes I wonder if I should really call this a job.  Because, aren't you supposed to hate going to work?  Picking up my camera to capture special moments in time for people is, I imagine, much like the moment when a kid first hears the chiming of the ice cream truck.   A moment of joy and anticipation.  That joy is magnified when my clients are sweet, charming, funny, and gorgeous.  Trisha is all of those and thensome - even despite nearing the end of her pregnancy (and you other moms know exactly how hard that time can be).  I had such a great time photographing, and even better time just getting to know her and her family.  

First I'm going to start with this.  Because after my love of my family, photography, and food...there's my love of shoes.  I couldn't resist a shoe shot when Trisha broke out these little lovelies...

trisha5.jpg picture by bebemomma

Did I mention she was g-o-r-g-e-o-u-s?

trisha2.jpg picture by bebemomma

trisha1.jpg picture by bebemomma

Finally, one of her and her boys.  How beautiful is this family?

trisha3.jpg picture by bebemomma

Monday, June 14, 2010

For the sake of art | oceanside family photographer

Jessica paid for her family's session by check.  Right before I deposited that check I reviewed it for accuracy, and when I looked down at the "for" line, Jessie had written in "the sake of art" and it made me smile and literally laugh out loud, and I knew in that moment I had this session's blog title.

Jessie and her family welcomed me into their beautiful home for their photo session yesterday morning.  I had so much fun shooting them all - there was so much love, laughter, and even a couple of bottles of wine.  I swear I have the best clients pretty much ever.

Lovely ladies...

Let's end where it all started ♥ 

Monday, June 7, 2010

Box of chocolates | pacific beach family photographer

What's the saying ol' Forest Gump made famous?  Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.  Well, the same can be said for photographing young children - especially when they range in age from 10 months to 5 years old.  And especially when the 5 and 3 year olds are boys.  But these kids were such a breeze to work with, and the entire family is beautiful, sweet, and the camera loved each and ever one of them.  Take a look for yourselves...

I just love sweet, baby girls...

Seriously?  How awesome and adorable are these boys...

Mom and dad are totally working it for the camera.  Hotness! ;)

I heart the K family.  Fo' real...

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"Capturing life's sweetest moments"


All images are protected under the US copyright, and belong to Gwendolyn Itpick. Please do not save to your hard drive, download, print or post any image from this blog without express permission from me.
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