Thursday, June 24, 2010

Shameless plea for votes | san diego family photographer

Hi friends and readers.  Today is the last day of a contest I entered my daughter into about a week go.  It's a contest to win a session from one of my favorite local photographers, Melissa Koehler.  My sweetface is trailing in the votes so I figured I'd try one last avenue to garner a few votes for her.  In order to vote you have to have a Facebook account.  I don't expect anyone to go out and create one just to vote, so no worries if you don't have one.  But if you are already a Facebooking extraordinaire, please read on.

In order to vote you have to first go to Melissa's fan page:
Once you're there, click the "Like" button at the top of her page.
From there, go into her photo albums and find the "Cutest Kid Contest" album.
My daughter, Angelina (3 yrs), is the very first photo in the bunch.  Click on her picture and then "like" her photo.
Your "like" is your vote.
That's all you have to do and it only takes about two seconds.

Voting ends at 11:59 pacific time tonight.

Thank you!


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"Capturing life's sweetest moments"


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