Saturday, November 29, 2008
Stay tuned...
Thursday, November 27, 2008
I am thankful for... mom and my brothers. You are my best ambassadors of quan even. ;) friends. Though the number of you may be low, the quality of you is astronomical. clients. You each have touched me in different ways and I love that you trust me the way you do. I love that you let me do what I love to do. God. Because He is.
Thank you.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Casting Call...
Sweetface Photography is looking for girls age 2 to 4 years old to model!
Wanted: 4-5 girls, ages 2-4 years for fashion shoot in San Diego.
Details: The shoot is tentatively scheduled for the afternoon of Monday, January 19, 2009. There will be no cost for participation. Additionally, all participating models will receive 8 wallets and an 8x10 print from their session at no cost.
How to apply: Email me at info [at] with your child's full name and age, along with 1-2 clear photos. Girls will be selected sometime next week and you will receive a return email only if yours is chosen (I will not be able to respond to each individual submission so thank you in advance for your interest!!). More details will become available after the final 4-5 girls have been selected! Please do not inquire unless you are 100% available.
Thank you!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
It's beginning to look a lot like...
Christmas! Can you believe Christmas is in 40 days? I told you it would creep up on us and smack us on the toukas!
Anyhow, I'm just doing a quick update to the blog tonight. Just wanted to let everyone know that there is only one mini session date left, but there are still a couple of slots left. November 22 we'll be shooting downtown in the Gaslamp District, which will make for some awesome urban shots. So if you're not into the typical San Diego shots (think beaches and Balboa Park), this may be the shoot for you. Here are the available time slots:
10:30am ~ 11:00am ~ 11:30am
If you're interested in taking one of these spots, just shoot me an email at and indicate which time slot you'd like.
Also, I've got a couple of things up my sleeve for Sweetface Photography as we approach our first anniversary in January 2009. Big things are coming down the pipeline (including FREE sessions) and if you'd like to stay up on the latest, I suggest adding yourself to my mailing list. Just send me an email entitled "mailing list" and you'll be added right away.'s late and I have to get up early in the morning. Thankfully, tomorrow's Friday and then relaxing weekend here I come. Hope you all get to bum around in your jammies like I plan to this weekend!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Sneak Peek for S and family...
Hope you guys enjoy...