Monday, October 12, 2009

A teaser of a sneak peek...

I'm dealing with some computer issues which I hope to have resolved this week, so this post is going to be relatively short. I'm calling it a teaser because, well, you all know how picture crazy I get and like to share a ton during sneak peeks. But alas...the computer issues aforementioned are limiting me. I've already typed this a couple of times and had to start anew after being booted mid-post.

Anyhow, I'd like you to meet the uber-adorable Hudson and his beautiful parents. I'm more than honored that they drove all the way down from LA to let me hang out with and photograph them and their handsome little guy.

I am CONVINCED that Jenn is or was a model, because check out how she "smizes" like nobody business!

Jenn and Kevin proving that parenthood is hot! :)

And keep an eye out for more of them later this week, as we also squeezed in a holiday mini-sesh with the rest of their family! :)

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"Capturing life's sweetest moments"


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