Sunday, November 15, 2009

Familiar, beautiful, faces | San Diego Family Photographer

I so enjoy photographing this family. Not just because Chelsea, Michael, Ella and Quintin are just about the cutest things ever, but because they are so sweet, easy-going, loving, and just plain fun. Not to mention, they stuck with me even after they came *this* close to getting attacked by a rogue squirrel (you HAD to be there! lol). I would have run for the hills, but thankfully, they hung in there and let me capture some more of their awesomeness. Since they're planning on using images from this session for their holiday cards, I'm only going to share a select few.

Oh and no humans or squirrels were harmed during the photographing of this family. :)

Another well put together family here. Really diggin the threads...

I cannot imagine how anyone could say no to this handsome little guy.

I would not be surprised to see Ella in a Gap commercial. She is gorgeous.

Is it any wonder why these kids are so stinking cute though?! I mean...hello.

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