Saturday, June 19, 2010

Trisha |bonita maternity photographer

Sometimes I wonder if I should really call this a job.  Because, aren't you supposed to hate going to work?  Picking up my camera to capture special moments in time for people is, I imagine, much like the moment when a kid first hears the chiming of the ice cream truck.   A moment of joy and anticipation.  That joy is magnified when my clients are sweet, charming, funny, and gorgeous.  Trisha is all of those and thensome - even despite nearing the end of her pregnancy (and you other moms know exactly how hard that time can be).  I had such a great time photographing, and even better time just getting to know her and her family.  

First I'm going to start with this.  Because after my love of my family, photography, and food...there's my love of shoes.  I couldn't resist a shoe shot when Trisha broke out these little lovelies...

trisha5.jpg picture by bebemomma

Did I mention she was g-o-r-g-e-o-u-s?

trisha2.jpg picture by bebemomma

trisha1.jpg picture by bebemomma

Finally, one of her and her boys.  How beautiful is this family?

trisha3.jpg picture by bebemomma

1 comment:

See Baby Shop said...

Adorable!! Lookin' good mama!!

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"Capturing life's sweetest moments"


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