Sunday, August 16, 2009

Party of ten!

Ok, I have had an abnormally busy weekend and sadly must admit that my brain is somewhere between sauteed and fried. So that said, I'm going to attempt to keep this post short...well, as far as my babbling goes. Yesterday I had the privilege of photographing my largest family to date: 10, count 'em 10 people! 8 adults, one newborn, and one two-year old (which, as parents know, is equivalent to two adults since they somehow have the power to be in at least two places at once! lol). You should recognize a couple of familiar faces as I photographed Erin and Jesse when they welcomed their newest, Gabriel, into the world a month ago. Well, Erin's family decided that they wanted to take this opportunity to get portraits for the whole family - covering four generations! I am so honored that they picked me to do this for them. Had a great time meeting all of you!



Norah, Gabriel, and their grandparents

But just because they're grandparents, doesn't mean Liz and Jim can't make things sizzle!

Of course hotness like that breeds hotness like their lovely daughters! check out Jackie, Erika, and Erin working. it. out!

Even the ocean is drawn to her!



Jim and his lovelies!

LOVE this photo! I have a very special closeness with my mom, so I always love seeing that in other mom/daughter relationships.

The ladies looking fabulous (with a little help from uber handsome Gabriel)

The gentlemen were not to be outdone, no siree.

And I'm posting this one because it's very typical of a shoot involving toddlers. They're pretty much in their own world most of the time and I love how Norah is more concerned with her "bribe" than with me and my stupid camera! lol


I hope you guys enjoyed your sneak peeks!

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"Capturing life's sweetest moments"


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