Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Prima ballerina...

Yesterday we took our daughter to her very first ballet class. She has been excited beyond measure about this class since I registered her for it over a month ago. She has even been known to break into dance in the middle of a Red Lobster, telling everyone she was doing her ballet - true story. So the day finally comes, we get to the class, and what does she do? She attempts to take over instructing it! LOL For anyone who knows me, especially the child version of myself, you know that this just more proof that Beans is totally my kid! All the other little girls in class are pointing their toes on cue, eyes filled with awe and fixated on the instructor. My kid...no, my kid is the only kid escaping the mirror and bar and doing HER ballet. I have to commend the instructor - she has FAR more patience than I do and every time (there were many) Beans strayed, she gently got her back in line and focusing...at least for a good minute or two. Honestly, for a few moments I was a little embarrassed, thinking that the instructor and/or the other parents may think my kid doesn't know how to listen. But when I focused on the pure delight that was exuding from the HUGE smile on my little girl's face; when I thought about the fact that she is, even at two (almost three) years old her own person and completely comfortable in her skin; that embarrassment quickly disappeared and my smile and my heart were as big as my daughter's smile. Yet another joyful moment being this little girl's mother. There is more to come on the topic of joy as we celebrate her third year of life this Friday. Until then, I leave you with a couple of photos from yesterday's joy...

Doing her own thing...

There's that pure delight!

Getting her sticker for finishing her first class!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

She sounds so much like my niece! Great ballet photos.

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