Saturday, May 9, 2009

One day 'til Mother's Day...

...but I did it again; got too busy to update yesterday so I'll be listing both yesterday's and today's versions of "why I love my mom".  So without further ado...

Two reasons I love my mom...

*I love how smart my mom is.  She always seem to know the answer.  Even if she doesn't, she works and does the research to find out what the answer is.
*I love my mom because of her faith.  Her faith in God; her faith in her family; her faith in people in general.   Most importantly, her faith in herself.

One last reason why I love my mom...

* I love my mom because she loves me.  I know, you're probably thinking well, she's your mom she HAS to love you.  But the fact of the matter is - no, she doesn't HAVE to love me.  There are women out there who are, in fact, disconnected from their children; who leave their kids behind, or stick around because they think they have to but resent and take it out on those kids, or even worse.  That's not my mom - my mom loves me, my brothers, my husband, and my daughter.  She is and always has been very present in our lives - affectionate, caring, and supportive.  She has been there through it all - making the bad good, and the good better.  And I am immeasurably grateful for her.

moms day2 by you.

love you so much mom.

final mother's day post tomorrow - not just for my mom, but for all my mom friends.  until then...

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