Friday, May 29, 2009

Sunday Morning...

Song of the day: Sunday Morning by No Doubt

Saw No Doubt in concert last Friday and just as I expected, it was amazing! I just love this band – I love their music, their vibe, their energy, and their friendship. Gwen is still one tough chick and she rocks out; not to mention, she looks flippin amazing. Just another reminder that I need to really step up my physical renovation. I need to reorganize my workout playlist on my iPod, add some more cardio to my routine, and just do it. I know I can…and I will. Keep ya posted on the outcome.

Friday Randoms…

I chew gum in phases. I’ll go months without chewing a single piece, and then once I do, I’m chewing two or three pieces daily, for a good week. After that, it’s usually eons before I touch another piece. Why is that?

I have come to the conclusion that HD is a hoax. Either that, or the difference between HD and…what, LD (low def)? That the difference only registers if you are of the male variety of our species. We recently purchased a new 47” HD TV, at the husband’s insistence that HD was the bees knees; that once I saw the diff, my eyes would kneel and praise the Vision Gods. So he gets it up, on, and…well the convo goes something like this:

Me: It looks like normal babe

Husband: Really? You really think so? You can’t see the difference?

Me: Huh-uh.

Husband: Rea…no. Maybe…well, you’ll see it when I put on a blu-ray.

He grabs on the first blu-ray dvd he sees and plays it (Pirates of the Caribbean btw)

Husband: Ok now you HAVE to see the change in quality.

Me: Huh-uh.

Husband: {frustrated sigh} Really?!

I’ve been slacking on my 30 by 31 list. So I’ve decided to start a couple new sections (ex “song of the day” and Friday Randoms). There will be more post-blog-op! this will address the “blog more” item on my list. Already been working on more time with the fam. What else should I start on?

I’ve been craving some Thai food for the last couple o’ weeks. Anyone know of any really good places in or near Chula Vista? Comment me below or shoot me an email.

In other news – the blog is being revamped and something splendid this way comes. I am so excited to give this blog a facelift. Shoot – it’s getting a facelift, lipo and a tummy tuck as far as I’m concerned. Can’t reveal anymore details…but you will like. I promise.

Interested in a photo shoot with Sweetface Photography? There are limited openings left in June (one or two spots) and we’re starting to book into July. Email today to book your session!

That's all for now kids! I have my next session on SUNDAY MORNING - newborn twins, so make sure you come back to check out the sneak peeks. I guarantee it will be an overabundance of adorableness.


the mangiafico family said...

we are so excited to have you on sunday morning...the babies have been practicing their smiles! =)

Nes said...


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"Capturing life's sweetest moments"


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