Four things I love about my mom...
*I love how loving, forgiving, and open-hearted my mom is. Mistake after mistake, my mom will ALWAYS let you wipe the slate clean. She always sees the silver lining, and when you only remember all the bad things about a person or thing, she can always seem to remember at least one good thing about them/it. She has really taught me to stay objective in most situations.
*I love when my mom cooks! She, of course, hates cooking altogether, but when she does it, it’s always good. Have you had her spaghetti? No – you need to. But I’m not inviting you because that means less for me. ;)
*I love that my mom is patient with most anything and anyone – except when it comes to her dining experience. She has been known to make us get up and walk out of a restaurant if the service is s-l-o-w as all get out. Some waiters have tried to convince her to stay as they notice her walking out, but to no avail. Once she’s up – dude, she’s out. I crack up about it every time. Not that this is a regular occurrence or anything.
*I love that my mom believes in me and fully supports my wanting to pursue photography. When I told her my ultimate goal of creating this business for myself and eventually doing it full-time, she simply told me, “And you will.”
*I love that she gets so excited when she buys us something. I remember when we kids were mere elementary schoolers and we still did the big “school clothes shopping” extravaganza. You remember it! Anyway, we would always come home and do fashion shows. She would “make” us go try on every single thing we bought and show it to her. “make” = we pretended we didn’t want to do it, but oh we so did. ;) sorry for the grief mom!
*Speaking of excitement – I love how excited my mom can get over some of the most random things. It doesn’t take much to entertain her (eh-hem…she loves most anything on the sci-fi channel. lol). Take her love of Fridays, for instance. I mean, we all love Fridays, but I’m convinced none love it as much as she does. The woman squeals in delight, sings, claps, and dances every.single.Friday. Well, every working Friday.
*I love my mom’s honesty. She will support when I’m right and let me know when I’m wrong. She can check me and uplift me at the same time. I really dig that about her.
Love you mom!
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